It all started with curiosity. For a few years now, I have been on an journey, seeking natural solutions and self sufficiency for everything we experience regularly as humans. I wanted to know how things were made because I saw how toxic everything in our world had become, and how it was starting to seriously affect our bodies. I knew that people had been healing themselves for centuries with things found in nature, but the art had been lost. 

My generation has missed out, and I think we are craving a return to simplicity.

It started with Beef Tallow. I had been interested for a while in trying tallow as a moisturizer, but I wasn't satisfied with buying one that someone else had made. I wanted to see what the process was like and if I could do it myself. Turns out, it's pretty easy. 

At first I made a batch for me and a few friends. They planted the seed of selling my product, and after a bit of toying with the recipe, Three Pines Provisions was born. 

Three Pines Provisions is intended to be expanded. I want to use this brand to not only provide simple goods to others, but share the knowledge I am gaining about self sufficiency and homemade products. 

And you don't need 10 acres and a milk cow to get started - although you might end up there somewhere down the line. 

- Allyson Smith, Owner

"Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect." Romans 12:2